01 februari 2013
Many European countries have integrated entrepreneurship in their curricula at several levels of education. However, a systemic view of the influence of entrepreneurship education on being selfemployed is lacking. This research assesses the relationship between entrepreneurial learning during education and the probability of being self-employed by using an international dataset – the Flash Eurobarometer survey on entrepreneurship, no. 283 – with information on entrepreneurial perceptions and behavior for more than 20,000 indivividuals in 36 countries in 2009. Specific attention is paid to the possible mediating role of three perceptions towards entrepreneurship: perceived financial impediments, perceived administrative complexities, and fear of business failure. The results show that our indicators of entrepreneurial learning are positively related with being self-employed. We find that an indirect relationship through an individual’s relaxed perceptions towards entrepreneurship is hardly present. Implications of the findings and limitations of the current research are also discussed.
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