Entrepreneurship in the Netherlands; SMEs and International co-operation

06 oktober 2005

This is the seventh edition of the series 'Entrepreneurship in the Netherlands'. The series started in 1997 and is a joint publication of the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs and EIM Business & Policy Research. This edition deals with international cooperation of SMEs.

The first Chapter by EIM describes characteristics of international cooperation: why, how and with what type of effects? Thereafter staff members of the Ministry sketch the aims and the ambition of policy instruments in the field. As practical illustrations three enterprises haven been portrayed. In addition to authors from EIM and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, three staff members working on internationalisation and entrepreneurship at the Nottingham University Business school in UK, reflect on the issues covered in this publication by presenting and commenting on ten myths that surround the internationalisation of smaller private firms.

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Auteur(s): Deniz Ucbasaran, drs. J.W. van Elk, drs. M.H.H. van Lin, Johan de Vries, Koen de Pater, Mike Wright, Paul Westhead, Rob C. Augusteijn


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