Why are some firms more internationally committed than others? The role of knowledge, firm development stage, and optimism

19 mei 2004

In deze studie gebruiken we een unieke dataset om factoren te onderzoeken gerelateerd aan internationale betrokkenheid van zelfstandige ondernemers. Onze resultaten suggereren dat beschikbare kennis in het managementteam en de attitude van het bedrijf naar innovatie, de internationale betrokkenheid vergroten. Verder is het onze bevinding dat de bedrijven een patroon tonen van een gestage oplopende internationale betrokkenheid. Hoewel, dit laatste is pas gevonden nadat de mate van optimisme van bedrijven over hun toekomstige groei in het onderzoek is meegerekend.

Voor inlichtingen: 079 343 06 04

Why are some firms more internationally committed thand others? The role of knowledge, firm development stage, and optimism

19 mei 2004

In this study we use a unique data set to examine factors related to international commitment of owner-managed firms. We draw on different streams of research such as the knowledge-based view, the stage theory of internationalization and the new venture theory of internationalization to study firms involvement in foreign markets. Our results suggest that knowledge-based resources embedded in the management team and the firms attitude towards innovation increase international commitment. Further, consistent with the stage theory of internationalization, we find that firms demonstrate a pattern of steadily increasing foreign commitment. However, this latter finding was obtained only after taking into account the firms optimism in terms of future growth. Optimism among start-ups therefore may obscure the relationship between firm development stage on the one hand and international commitment on the other.
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Auteur(s): dr. D. De Clercq, dr. N.S. Bosma


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