04 oktober 2001
PRISMA - an acronym of Policy Research Instrument for Size-aspects in Macro-economic Analysis - is an economic macro-sector model, which has been developed within the research programme SCALES.
It has been designed in such a way that it produces results consistent with those of CPB, Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis. PRISMA is used for forecasting, scenario building and what-if analyses with respect to government policies and economic shocks. Its time horizon is 3-25 years. The model consists of a kernel and a number of modules. In this report the present version of PRISMA's kernel is documented.
You can order the report 'Prisma 2001, the Kernel' (price EUR 20,45) through e-mail: info@eim.nl, by fax (+ 31 79 341 50 24) or by phone (+ 31 79 341 36 34), stating the order number H200104. On receipt of your order an invoice will be enclosed. Alternatively, you can download this publication on our Knowledge Website for SMEs and Entrepreneurship (no charge).
Voor inlichtingen: 079 343 06 04
04 oktober 2001
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