13 augustus 2001
The overall objective of this study is to integrate existing insights into the emergence of ethnic entrepreneurship from a theoretical point of view. Attempts will be made to learn about the experiences of ethnic entrepreneurship in several countries, special attention being paid to the Netherlands.
The study focuses exclusively on theoretical explanations, and ends up with the development of a conceptual framework, which can be used to explain the emergence of ethnic entrepreneurship. The conceptual framework is worked out in terms of variables required for a better understanding of the emergence of ethnic enterprises. The approach emphasizes the features of the ethnic groups as 'donor groups' , which 'recruit' entrepreneurs. The individual entrepreneurs process the donor group signals and subsequently search their ways towards economic success. The framework accommodates as determinants of entrepreneurship five capitals of the ethnic group and its entrepreneurs: human capital, informational capital, financial capital, social capital and cultural capital. It is shown that it should be feasible to operationalize and test the relationships in the framework.
Voor inlichtingen: 079 343 06 04
13 augustus 2001
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